To list all the times God has been there for me would take several books. When I was a child in Rock Island, Illinois, I was introduced to Sunday School at Memorial Christian Church. At this time I was the only member of my family attending church. I can remember missing my trip home after Sunday School because of slipping into the church service to hear and watch the pastor. He was very entertaining, with both bringing home his main points through loud expressions and physical movements of his arms and to accent specific points pound the pulpit. I was credited with bringing the rest of the family into the church. (Whether this was true or not is doubtful.)

God or his messengers seemed to always be there for me, and growing up I really needed help. While growing up in a loving home with Christ being central, I relented to temptation easily, even though after my initial confession and baptism, and the little voice cautioning me, I sinned. I remember always being sorry, and promising to do better, but continued my sinful nature. God has never forsaken me, He continues to watch over me, and my life has grown closer to Him and His son Jesus Christ.

While there have been several times I have felt the presence of God’s love, two stand out.

First is when my wife, son and I accepted a three year tour of duty in Uganda, East Africa. While working in the bush there were times when my fear was defused by one basic prayer, “satan get behind me in Jesus Christ’s name.” Without failure my fear left me, because my attention was redirected to Jesus which brought light to the dark in my situation.

Second was when we lost our beautiful daughter, Kay to Brest Cancer. I’ll never forget what Linda Shaw, a nurse and best friend of Kay, said to her while holding her hand and answering Kay’s question, “How do I die, what happens?” Linda responded, “when you let go of my hand, Jesus will take it, and you will be in paradise.” He will never leave you or forsake you, as long as you belong to Him.

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