My life is a story of acceptance.

Growing up, I was introduced to church by my grandfather. Although my parents were not really into the church scene, my grandfather made sure that any time I wanted to go, I was able. I learned a lot about God in those early years, and I found comfort in my relationship with my grandfather.

As I grew older, that relationship wasn’t enough. I needed friends my own age, so I began looking to be accepted any where I could. Needless to say, I was most accepted in a group of friends that enjoyed the pleasures of life. I got caught in whirlwind of drugs, alcohol, and perversion. My life was a lie, trying to gain favor with my parents by getting good grades and excelling in music and sports, while at the same time, enjoying the night life on the weekends. This continued into college.

It was on a trip home from a cross country meet that a friend invited me to church. In fact he invited the entire team, but I was the only one that got up to go. It was that Sunday morning that connected me with a youth ministry and a pastor that loved me in spite of me. On a Sunday night in February I heard fresh and new that the acceptance I so longed for was only found in Jesus. The completeness and forgiveness I needed would only come through trusting in Christ alone for salvation and receiving eternal life. That night I asked God to forgive me of my sins and I received His full acceptance.

God has complete redeemed my life for His good and pleasure. He has blessed me with a great family, the opportunity to serve the Church as a pastor, and share the love of Christ with others. I no longer seek acceptance, but rest completely in Him.

You can find this peace and rest by clicking “Learn More About Jesus”.

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