So, I’ve always grown up in a church community, ever since I was probably around just a year old. Accepting Christ was just a thing that everyone did eventually and it wasn’t really treated as a big deal. People just kind of said they were a Christian, even when they weren’t. When I was around seven, my family was at an Easter service at church and I decided that I wanted to accept Christ. So, that night when we got home, I did. It was like I was just joining some sort of club or something and everyone was just becoming a Christian because they thought they were “old enough”. I really didn’t understand what any of it meant and I wasn’t praying, reading my bible, or trying to live out my life like a Christian should. I continued on living like this for about five more years up until sixth grade. The moment that everything clicked for me was when I was at a discipleship weekend with other members of my church. I saw how they all had this connection with the Lord that I just didn’t have. They all worshiped him with open, happy hearts and I just wasn’t the same way. So I made a change. I rededicated my life to Christ and I decided that I would never again be that person that never reads their bible, prays, or attends a church service. I wouldn’t just sit back and think that being a Christian wasn’t a big deal anymore. I began reading my bible, more and more each day. I began to pray and I started going to Wednesday and Sunday nights at my church. I realized that Christ was working through me in ways I never thought he could. And now, through him, I never feel like I am alone with him always by my side. He changed my life and he is always there for me.

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