I have always gone to church so it seems. I was raised in church. We went on Sunday mornings, Sunday nights and Wednesday evenings. I was saved and baptized at a young age, age 7. I knew I wanted to go heaven and I had a childlike love/faith for Jesus and God. But it was not till I was older did I understand what a true Christian walk is and the sacrifice given for my salvation.
I grew up mostly a rule follower. Afraid of disappointing my parents and knowing the wrong actions would lead to strong discipline. In high school I enjoyed youth group and church activities but I wasn’t walking daily with Christ. My prayer life and quiet time were stagnate. While in college I was one of the 70% that quit attending church on a regular basis…during college I was a church “dropout” rather than a “disciple”.

It wasn’t until my husband and I got married that we both started attending church regularly again. God blessed us with 3 great churches and pastors and teachers over the past 6 years that have truly blessed us. My relationship/walk has only grown and strengthened the past 6 year and is greater than it has ever been BUT it is STILL a work in progress. There are so many days that I fall short! However I still try to move forward and grow, seeking God and his will.

I love that it is never too late for God. We can pick up where we left off yesterday, two weeks ago, or 20 years ago. He is always there ready to listen and start fresh. He is always at work!

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