Before I didn’t care about what kind of dances all I ever wanted is I just want to dance. I never thought that through dancing/workshop I will find Jesus. But as I kept going to DIVE, the Christian dance workshop, I soon found Jesus. Now As I continue dancing the Lord told me ”You wont only learn dancing you will learn about my word.” Until now I am learning and His words keeps me strong. The church that we used to go to started persecuting us and until the time comes that we had to leave. The moment we left the church our eyes where opened and we saw the needs of the world – they need Jesus. My family thought that I was becoming crazy and they started hiding my bible but I still found it and meditate God’s word. I am now very happy that you came because of the right reason you came not only for dance but for Jesus. I am encouraging you all to keep praying we may or you may feel discouraged but keep holding on to Jesus and keep praying. Because without prayer we wouldn’t be here – DIVE wouldn’t be here. Lets show love to each other.

[watch video for full story]

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