I gave my life to Christ at a young age which exposed me early to spiritual warfare. As far back as I can remember, I’ve struggled with confidence issues and feelings as if I don’t fit in or belong. Frequently I would find myself thinking that I didn’t want to die but I didn’t want to live any longer. My life would continue to spiral downward the more I would try to control my own outcomes. It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom that I realized who was there with me through it all. I was saved but always kept my faith at arms length due to feelings of being scared, people and friends turning their backs on me, and a few other reasons that ultimately left me believing but not practicing. Once I came to the realization that I was pushing my Father in Heaven away from me, the one who really cared and would provide, I embraced my faith head on. In no way am I a perfect sinless child but I am loved and my path is in God’s hands. Through all my anxiety and depression issues, there is nothing more comforting knowing who has my life in His control. Currently, God has given me the strength and opportunities to help others through experiences similar to what I’ve come though growing up. I started a Christian Based company that gives me the opportunity to witness daily and grow my own faith. My life is and forever will be in His hands.

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