“Like a sponge,” would best describe what I was life after accepting Jesus as my personal savior.” I could not get enough of the Word fast enough. But let’s go back to the beginning of my life so you can get a better understanding of this young life.

I was born to an older couple; my parents were 45 and 42 years old. I was the youngest of 8, life was stable, full of siblings and neighborhood children. In a small western Kansas town. life was slow and uneventful. Attending a mainline denomination church, the groundwork was laid for my morals and integrity. I was not about to be the “black sheep” of the family. I was determined to be good. No matter how hard I tried, good was never good enough, falling far short of what I felt God expected of me. Being a Christian was impossible to live up to Part of my house rules, if you were out on Saturday night, you had to go to church come Sunday morning. But what good were all those perfect attendance pins? I was still like everyone else.

The family made several moves following my father’s work, this brought us to Missouri. I married my high school sweetheart but our young family was hit and miss in church attendance. We were even involved in church activities – we were a GOOD young family. I could see no difference in me and the man on the street that never attended church, however. Something was amiss. Leaving the denomination of my childhood, we started attending another denomination which there was bible teaching. I was in a depressed state of mind at this time. I said to a friend, “There must be more to life than getting up in the morning, going to work, coming home, fixing dinner, and going to bed.” She responded, “Yes, there is! And I think I found it!”

While reading written sheets from church I realized I had never ask Jesus into my heart. There In my living room, all by myself, I prayed. OH, MY what a difference! I felt different. I was different. The sky was bluer and the trees greener. Attending a Pentecostal lady’s bible study, I learned how to apply the WORD to make it work for me. And soon I received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. I received Him at
Salvation, now He had me completely and totally.

Go made the difference in my overcoming. The need to be GOOD was God’s way of saying, “You can’t be good enough, but Jesus paid the price, just accept HIS GOODNESS.” God was so kind. He didn’t show me all my shortcomings at once but little by little by little He removed the film from my eyes and let me see the sin that was displeasing to HIM. I read in 1 John a man who hated his brother was a murderer, that hit me hard. Like everyone, I had my share bumps in life. I just didn’t know what to do with that hurt. I read a book called “Freedom to Choose.” I learned about forgiveness and choosing to let things go, forgiveness only helps me. After praying for each person, dead or alive, and forgiving each one, I was free! I felt so clean. A weight had been lifted. While things haven’t always been easy, I can say God was with me to see me through. Healing, miracles, and doing things I never dreamed like meeting high government officials. It’s been exciting and fulfilling. The only decision YOU must get right in your life is to say yes to Jesus and receive HIM Into your heart today.

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