My Story, My life is a story of the grace and goodness of God. I was raised in a Christian home and there is no time in my memory that I did not know about Jesus and his love for me. Though I had always known about God I had never met him myself. The Lord Jesus is a person and knowing about Him isn’t enough, you must know Him yourself. I was 7yrs old when I met Jesus and He changed my heart forever.

Though I had met Jesus as my personal savior and I had been made new, there were still many fleshly desires that needed to be cleansed. Life is hard and no matter what your background, good or bad, the difficulties of life will find you. As a young teenage boy I found a porn magazine on the side of a dirt road and it immediately captured my mind. This discovery lead to a 5 year war with a sever addiction to pornography. God on the other hand was not done with me and at the age of 17 He set me free from the chains of this dark sin and I have enjoyed true freedom in him ever since.

God remained faithful as I grew into adulthood and granted me blessing upon blessing. I married my high school sweet heart and he blessed our home with 4 amazing sons. He has lead me into bi-vocational ministry as a Pastor and given me a deep abiding love for worshiping Him and leading people to him. Even in this there have been many hard times that we have struggled through. We have suffered the loss of two of our children, the loss of jobs, friends and many other trials yet God has remained faithful. I dearly love Him and pray our lives will be poured out in service to Him.

Though many difficulties undoubtedly lay in front of us I know without a shadow of doubt, God is with us. He is perfect in all of His way and I pray that today if you do not know Him you will call out to him for he has declared “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out” Joh 6:37

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