I grew up in a Christian household where we went church every time the church was open. I would say that I was going to church 9 months before I was even born. But I grew up knowing all the right answers and knew all the stories. So I thought I knew who Jesus was but it’s not about what I know or how much I thought I knew. Because I wasn’t a bad person and I didn’t do anything super dumb, but I still felt like I was empty and missing something in all these stories.

Then I was on a mission in Indiana it was a Wednesday night and the pastor was talking about giving things up. He began to show us everything we gave up to serve others. But then he began to talk about how God gave up his son for us to die on a cross so that we can be in eternity with him forever. Then I went forward and gave my life over to Jesus.

From that point on I began to walk with Jesus and purse a relationship with him. It’s been hard but it’s been worth it, knowing that the creator of the stars gave up his only son to die on the cross for my sins, so that I can live with him in eternity gives me so much peace, Also that I didn’t have to do a thing to earn it is amazing all I have to do is have Jesus be the Lord of my life.

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