Dear Friends,

My life story starts out as most. My family was very happy and loving to me and strong in their faith. We went to church most Sundays and love it there. To me church was a fun place where we went to hang out with our friends and got donuts and M&Ms in the kid place. My connection to Christ really became strong when I started going to a Christian school. There we had worship time, bible/chapel time, and I was on fire for the Lord! I felt the Holy Spirt in me everyday. I went there from Kindergarten through 4th grade. The summer of 4th grade my parents told us that we were moving to a public school which was closer to our house. They told us a couple years later that paying for our private schooling was becoming difficult and harder to pay. At first, I thought it was just going to be like my old school. Turns out I was wrong. I made friends and was considered “popular” by the end of the school year. But my whole life took a drastic turn. I wasn’t the fellow Christian I use to be. I heard so many cuss words and just came imbedded into my head. Mine and Jesus’ relationship went to the back burner. This was like this for 4 years. This year I went to CIY Move in Siloam Springs Arkansas and it changed my life for the better. I went and realized that I helped save my best friend’s life after she tried to commit suicide. She stayed alive because I was her only friend that was loyal and kind to her through her dark time. I found this all out at camp. I needed this because I was questioning God about what he was doing with my life and how could I be making a difference in others life. I am so very grateful he kept her a live and he showed me that important detail. I am now trying to get my life back on track towards God and what He wants me to be doing. I thank You Lord for all that you have done for me! I love and will praise you for the rest of my days!

Thanks friends for reading my story, I hope it inspired you!

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