I grew up in a loving home. My mom as a Christian women and my dad a Catholic. I always knew and been taught there was a God. I attended church more regularly as a child but as I grew older I didn’t really have that interest. I did attend a weekly night of dodgeball at my local church were the gospel was given to us but I was too busy doing my own things that most of the time it just went over my head.

As a teenager I got into drugs, mainly marijuana and alcohol till my mid 20s. Then about 5 years ago I lost one of my best friends whom was more like a brother and life got a bit more real to me. Though I was still lost in my sin, God started to work in my heart. One night as I would always did, I went out into my truck to get high. That night was different though I had the urge to smoke and get high, this deep conviction of how I was living life on my own terms wasn’t really fulfilling the emptiness I felt in my life. I said, “God if you are real change me give me a new heart am tired of living this way.” As soon as I said that in my heart, this overwhelming peace and joy came over me. It was then that the emptiness was gone and I finally understood and made sense of the gospel that I ignored time after time. I walked out of that truck a born again son of God. Now I’m attending and part of that local church, where we seek to share the gospel and serve the community!

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