I grew up in church because my mom took me, but my dad didn’t go. I thought I made a profession of faith at about 6 or 7 years of age, but overtime, I realized I didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus. At the age of 14 my church had a revival and I can remember the Holy Spirit calling on my heart and went forward and confessed my sin and it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulder. I went to church some but overtime I developed bad relationships and I chose to live in the world and not pursue the Lord. I married and had a child and then was divorced and times were tough. I decided I needed to get serious and get involved in the church and sought out a singles ministry. I got involved at a local church and singles ministry and began growing again in my faith and walk with the Lord. There I met my husband Kory and we dated a couple years and then married. After about 2 years, during a service Brother Ted preached on Lordship and asked if Jesus was the Lord of my life. I realized I wasn’t making Jesus the Lord of my life in all my decisions and choices in life. So I rededicated my life to the Lord and made Him the Lord of my life in all things! At this time my life really began to change. I took Master Life a spiritual disciplines class and I began to get up and read and study His Word each day and developed godly relationships with other believers. Jesus became the true desire of my heart to know Him more! I learned how important it is to develop spiritual disciplines early in your walk with the Lord. My life isn’t perfect but I still continue the disciplines I learned and I get up early each day and spend time with the Lord. Most of all, there is joy in my heart no matter what trials I experience and I have Lord who loves me and wants the best for me as long as I am seeking Him each day.